The Alzheimer�s Association Virginia Advocacy Coalition (AAVAC) is a unified voice advocating change in law and public policy to better serve people with Alzheimer�s disease and their families.
AAVAC is composed of the public policy committees, membership and concerned citizen volunteers of the eight Alzheimer�s Association Chapters throughout Virginia. The Chapters provide services to approximately 100,000 Virginians and their families who suffer the personal and financial devastation inflicted by Alzheimer�s disease.
AAVAC�s 1998 Legislative Platform addresses our constituents� highest priorities and demonstrates the need for legislative support to make sound public policy decisions focusing on five Platform Planks:
AAVAC works to enact into law the policy objectives described in the Legislative Platform and monitors other legislation affecting Alzheimer�s individuals and their families including: Medicaid, Managed Care, and Adult Care Residence Regulation.
AAVAC has endorsed seven proposals for legislation:
- Consumer Protection in Managed Care: The Alzheimer�s Association supports stronger consumer protection in securing quality health care through an external appeals/dispute resolution process for resolving consumer complaints in managed care; establishment of a managed care ombudsman to advocate on behalf of consumers; improved coordination of the regulatory/oversight roles of the Department of Health, Bureau of Insurance, Department of Health Professions and the Virginia Health Quality Center; strengthened consumer participation in the governance of managed care plans; and additional resources for the Virginia Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (VICAP).
- Special Care Unit Disclosure: The Alzheimer�s Association supports legislation that would require long term care facilities with "special care units" -- for Alzheimer�s disease and related dementias -- to provide consumers with written information of the features that make the units special, and often more costly. The disclosure requirements should be enforced and monitored by the relevant licensing agencies.
- Genetic Information Privacy: The Alzheimer�s Association supports legislation to ensure that individuals are protected from discrimination in insurance, health care, housing and employment based on genetic information and from unauthorized disclosure of such genetic information. Such legislation should preserve the ability of medical researchers searching for therapies or cures to obtain and use genetic information in ways that protect privacy of individuals.
- Elder Rights Hotline: The Alzheimer�s Association supports a strong and coordinated Elder Rights system, including an Elder Rights hotline to provide accessible, low cost legal and Elder Rights assistance to older Virginians statewide.
- Charitable Contribution Consumer Protection: The Alzheimer�s Association supports legislation requiring professional solicitors for charitable organizations to disclose the percent of revenues solicited which are spent on overhead and administrative costs as well as the percent of actual revenues which go to the charitable organization.
- Guardianship of Last Resort: The Alzheimer�s Association supports development of a statewide system of guardianship of last resort for vulnerable incapacitated adults with no one to make personal or property decisions.
- Aging/Long Term Care Policy, Planning and Licensure: The Alzheimer�s Association supports coordination of aging/long term care policy, planning and licensure through a stronger and more visible role for the Department for the Aging and consolidation of the licensure function, with sufficient staffing and sanctions.
AAVAC invites your support for the Legislative Platform and monitoring of related legislative policy initiatives to better serve people with Alzheimer�s disease and their families across Virginia.
Ian N. Kremer
Director, Public Policy
Alzheimer�s Association, Northern Virginia Chapter
telephone: (703) 359-4440
facsimile: (703) 359-4441
e-mail: [email protected]
You can track the progress of these and other issues currently before the Virginia General Assembly at the 1998 Legislative Updates section and read last year's 1997 Legislative Platform.
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Last updated: January 24, 1998
Please return to https://www.alz-nova.org or call 800-207-8679 or 703-359-4440 for more information about services in Northern Virginia.
© 1997, 1998 & 1999 Alzheimer's Association, Northern Virginia Chapter. All rights reserved.