My life will never be the same
You no longer know my face or name
Alzheimer's has robbed you of your memory
And has take away what is dear to me
Mom, you told me several years ago
"You are the mother now, you know"
And, with a smile, we would joke about it
But, the time has come, the title fits
And, Mom, I always know you were aware
Of what was happening, this terrible nightmare
You would often say, "I'm losing my mind"
And words to respond were so hard to find
Mom, I will always be here for you
But it hurts so to see what you go through
Each and every day is so hard for you
Not understanding just what to do
The look on your face is always so sad
You want to go "home" so very bad
And I wish I knew just where to find
The "home" that you now have in mind.
Dad is gone, and we miss him so
And we felt that you just had to know
Your response was "oh my, that's too bad"
It hurts, you don't remember our dad.
Seeing you so "lost" is hard to bear
But "God willing" I will always be there
Because, you are not only my mother, but my friend
And my "love" for you will never end
by D. McKee
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Last updated: August 2, 1999
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