Consumer Guidance |
Beat the nursing home trap : a consumer�s guide to choosing & financing long-term care / by Joseph Matthews. -- 2nd ed. -- Berkeley : Nolo Press, 1997, c1993.
A Consumer's guide : finding the assisted living program for you / developed by Donna L. Yee, John A. Capitman, Mark Sciegaj. - Waltham, MA : Brandeis University, Institute for Health Policy, 1996. [Pamphlet box]
Fighting consumer fraud in Virginia : how Virginia seniors can detect and avoid consumer fraud : a consumer guide from Attorney General Jim Gilmore. -- Richmond, Va. : Commonwealth of Virginia, 1997.
A Handbook about care in the home : information on home care services / AARP. -- Rev. -- Washington, D.C. : Health Advocacy Services, Program Coordination and Development Dept., with the assistance of the Women's Initiative, 1990, c1982. [Pamphlet box]
Health care choices for today's consumer : Families USA guide to quality & cost / Marc S. Miller, editor. -- Washington, DC : Living Planet Press, c1995.
Hiring home caregivers : the family guide to in-home eldercare / D. Helen Susik. -- San Luis Obispo, Calif. : American Source Books, c1995. (The Working caregiver series)
A Home away from home : consumer information on board and care homes / written by Margaret Haske; edited by Rebecca Cohen. -- Washington, DC : Consumer Affairs, Program Dept., American Association of Retired Persons, c1986. [Pamphlet box]
Home care for older people : a consumer's guide/ by Anne P. Werner and James P. Firman. -- Rev. ed. -- Washington, D.C. : United Seniors Health Cooperative, c1994.
Someone who cares : a guide to hiring an in-home caregiver / Center for Applied Gerontology. -- Chicago, Ill. : Council for Jewish Elderly, c1994. [Pamphlet box] In the Northern Virginia Chapter Service Area, for more information about this Library topic, please contact the Chapter at 703-359-4440 or 800-207-8679. Outside Northern Virginia, please contact your local Chapter. Your local Chapter may not have these particular books, but can help you locate books on this topic.
Last updated: June 17, 1997
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