The Virginia General Assembly met in long session from mid-January through mid-March, 1998 and considered several thousand pieces of legislation. Enactment or defeat for hundreds of these bills, resolutions and budget amendments could have dramatically altered Virginia's aging and health policies. The Alzheimer's Association Virginia Advocacy Coalition has provided information here on many of these legislative initiatives.
The following information is provided about selected legislation:
- document number and current status from sub-committee docket to the Governor's veto or signature
- chief patron
- hyper-link to the full-text of the legislation
- notation of whether the Alzheimer's Association Virginia Advocacy Coalition supports or opposes enactment
- summary description
Updates were available each Monday morning throughout the 1998 General Assembly Session which ended in mid-March. The final update was made soon after the May 23rd deadline for Governor Gilmore to either sign or veto legislation where the General Assembly rejected his amendments during the April "reconvene session."
House Conferees |
Senate Conferees |
Earl Dickinson
Alan Diamonstein
Frank Hall
Vince Callahan
Bob Bloxom
Jim Dillard
Stanley Walker
John Chichester
Chuck Colgan
William Wampler
Joe Gartlan
Walter Stosch
Conference Report Approved by Governor Gilmore
Year 1 Change |
Year 2 Change |
Item 12 #1c JCHC-Long Term Care Study | $65,000 | $0 |
Item 307 #2c In-home Care Services for the Elderly | $500,000 | $500,000 |
Item 307 #3c Public Guardianship Program | $110,000 | $450,000 |
Item 307 #8c Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program | $90,000 | $90,000 |
Item 335 #1c Adult Day Health Care Rates | $412,711 | $412,711 |
Item 335 #7c Restore Medicaid Funds for Piedmont Geriatric Center | $4,970,405 | $11,587,400 |
Item 385 #1c Restore Administrative Funds for Piedmont Geriatric Center | $0 | $6,311,038 |
Item 386 #1c Restore Service Funds for Piedmont Geriatric Center | $4,387,527 | $10,033,103 |
Item 450 #1c Police training about Alzheimer's disease | $40,000 | $0 |
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Last updated: May 28, 1998
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