Dyer Respite Program |
Scholarships are available to Alzheimer�s Association, Northern Virginia Chapter members, in the chapter territory, to pay for respite care in a licensed nursing home, licensed home for adults or through a licensed home care agency, for their diagnosed relative with Alzheimer�s disease or a related dementia. Families need to complete an application and include a physician's verification of Alzheimer�s disease or a related dementia. The Chapter pays the provider directly. It is up to the family to make its own care arrangements. For licensed facility stays, the Chapter will pay the charges for daily room, board, and ancillary charges not to exceed $500 per fiscal year*. Extra medical and medicine expenses must by paid by the family. If the applicant is Medicaid approved, the Chapter will pay the charges for daily room, board and ancillary charges not to exceed $800 per fiscal year. Extra medical and medicine expenses must be paid by the family. For home care, the Chapter will pay $500 per fiscal year in a minimum of eight hour blocks of time. If the applicant is Medicaid approved the chapter will pay up to $800 per fiscal year, also in a minimum of eight hour blocks of time. Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed for all above guidelines on a case by case basis by the Chapter. * (fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30) For more information or an application, please contact Karin G. Udler or Jane Priest, LPN at the Chapter office: (703) 359-4440.
Last updated: March 31, 1998
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