For Younger Readers |
Always gramma / by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson ; illustrations
by Kimanne Uhler. -- New York : Putnam, c1988.
Alzheimer's disease : the silent epidemic / Julia Frank.
-- Minneapolis : Lerner, c1985.
Aunt Dodie has Alzheimer's / by Eric Ruth. -- Pentwater,
Mich. : Paraclete Press, c1988.
But she's still my grandma! / by Doreen Rappaport ; illustrated by Bernadette Simmons. -- New York, N.Y.
: Human Sciences Press, c1982.
Grandma didn't wave back / by Rose Blue ; illustrated by Ted Lewin. -- New York : Dell, c1972.
Grandpa doesn't know it's me / by Donna Guthrie ; illustrated by Katy Keck Arnsteen. -- New York, N.Y. : Human Sciences Press, c1986.
Grandpa forgot my name / written by Nancy Grunewald ; illustrated by Bruce Loeschen - Austin, MN: Newborn Books, c1997.
It must hurt a lot : [a book about death and learning and growing]/ [the story by Doris Sanford & pictures by Graci Evans]. -- Portland, Or. : Multnomah Press, c1986.
Maria's grandma gets mixed up / the story by Doris Sanford ; illustrations by Graci Evans. -- Portland, Or. : Multnomah, c1989.
The Memory box / Mary Bahr ; illustrated by David Cunningham. -- Morton Grove, Ill. : Albert Whitman & Co., c1992.
Nana's new home / by Kristi Cargill ; illustrated by David Cunningham. - Morton Grove, Ill. : Albert Whitman & Co., c1992.
Talking with children and teens about Alzheimer's disease : a question and answer guidebook for parents, teachers, and caregivers / by James M. McCrea with Beverly Americus ... [et al.]. -- [Harrisburg, Pa.?] : Pennsylvania Dept. of Aging, 1992.
Tell me, Papa : a family book for children's questions about death and funerals / by Joy and Marv Johnson ; artwork by Shari Borum . -- Rev. -- Omaha, NE : Centering Corp., 1990, c1978.
Through Tara's eyes : helping children cope with Alzheimer's disease / by Kathy Baumann and Erin Conners ; illustrated by Thea Kliros. -- Rockville, Md. : American Health Assistance Foundation, c1995.
What's wrong with daddy? / Alida E. Young. -- Worthington, Ohio : Willowslip Press, c1986.
What's wrong with my grandma / written by Lin Noyes ; illustrated by Kathy Thomas. -- Fairfax, Va. : Distributed by Alzheimer's Association, Northern Virginia Chapter, c1982.
Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge / written by Mem Fox ; illustrated by Julie Vivas. -- Brooklyn, N.Y. : Kane/Miller Book Publishers, c1984.
In the Northern Virginia Chapter Service Area, for more information about this Library topic, please contact the Chapter at (703) 359-4440 or (866) 259-0042. Outside Northern Virginia, please contact your local Chapter. Your local Chapter may not have these particular books, but can help you locate books on this topic.
Last updated: September 8, 1998
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