Geriatrics/Aging |
Age in action : activities in geriatrics and gerontology education and research / Virginia Center on Aging, Virginia Geriatric Education Center, Virginia Department for the Aging. -- Richmond : Virginia Commonwealth University. [Quarterly newsletter]
Delaying the onset of late-life dysfunction / Robert N. Butler, Jacob A. Brody, editors. -- New York, NY : Springer,c1995.
Essentials of geriatric psychiatry : a guide for health professionals / Lawrence N. Lazarus, editor ; editorial committee, American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. -- New York : Springer,
Gerontology news / from the Gerontological Society of America. -- Washington, DC : The Society. [Monthly newsletter]
Growing older and wiser : coping with expectations, challenges, and change in the later years / Nathan Billig. -- New York : Lexington Books, 1995, c1993.
Growing younger : handbook / Donald W. Kemper, E. Judith Deneen, James V. Giuffre. -- 3rd ed., rev. -- Boise, ID : healthwise, 1989.
The Merck manual of geriatrics / William B. Abrams and Robert Berkow, editors ; Andrew J. Fletcher, assistant editor. -- Rahway, N.J. : Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories, 1990.
Successful aging / John W. Rowe and Robert L. Kahn. - New York : Pantheon Books, c1998.
Talking with your doctor : a guide for older people / National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health. -- [Bethesda, Md.] : National Institute on Aging, 1994. [Pamphlet box] In the Northern Virginia Chapter Service Area, for more information about this Library topic, please contact the Chapter at 703-359-4440 or 800-207-8679. Outside Northern Virginia, please contact your local Chapter. Your local Chapter may not have these particular books, but can help you locate books on this topic.
Last updated: February 25, 1999
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