Caregiving: Parent Care |
Caregiving : how to care for your elderly mother and stay sane
/ E. Jane Mall. -- New York : Ballantine Books, 1990.
Caring for an aging parent : have I done all I can? / Avis
Jane Ball. -- Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1986.
Daughters of the elderly : building partnerships in caregiving
/ edited by Jane Norris. -- Bloomington : Indiana University Press,
Elder care : coping with late-life crisis / James Kenny
and Stephen Spicer. -- Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1989.
How to care for your parents : a practical guide to eldercare/ Nora Jean Levin. -- [New ed.]. -- New York : Norton,
Parent care advisor / American Health Consultants. -- Atlanta,
GA : American Health Consultants, Inc. [Monthly newsletter]
Women in the middle : their parent-care years / Elaine
N. Brody. -- New York : Springer, c1990.
Your best is good enough : aging parents and your emotions
/ Vivian E. Greenberg. -- Lexington, Mass. : Lexington Books,
c1989. In the Northern Virginia Chapter Service Area, for more information about this Library topic, please contact the Chapter at 703-359-4440 or 800-207-8679. Outside Northern Virginia, please contact your local Chapter. Your local Chapter may not have these particular books, but can help you locate books on this topic.
Last updated: June 17, 1997
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