Caregiving: General and Professional |
ACCESS : monthly ACCESS to information and resources for dementia caregivers / Stephanie Zeman, publisher and editor. -- Fairfax Station, Va. : Geriatric Educational Resources. [Monthly newsletter]
Alzheimer's disease : a handbook for caregivers / Ronald C. Hamdy ... [et al.]. - 3rd ed. - St. Louis : C.V. Mosby, c1998.
Alzheimer's disease : a practical guide for those who help others / Judah L. Ronch ; foreword by William Van Ornum. -- New York : Continuum, 1989.
The Best friends approach to Alzheimer's care / Virginia Bell and David Troxel. -- Baltimore : Health Professions Press, c1997.
Care of Alzheimer's patients : a manual for nursing home staff / by Lisa P. Gwyther. -- Washington, D.C. : American Health Care Association. c1985.
Caregiver news. -- E. Meadow, N.Y. : C-Mac Informational Services. [Monthly newsletter]
Caregiving : a handbook for caregivers / by Marilyn Cleland ; edited by Deanna Kingston. -- Portland, Or. : Education & Family Support Services, Neurological Sciences Center, Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center, c1987- (loose-leaf)
Caresharing : how to relate to the frail elderly / V. Katherine Gray, editor. -- Minneapolis, Minn. : Ebenezer Center for Aging and Human Development, c1984.
Caring for the Alzheimer patient : a practical guide / edited by Raye Lynne Dippel and J. Thomas Hutton. -- Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1988.
Caring for the memory-impaired : strategies and techniques that work / Janet C. Sawyer, Edna Ballard, Pamela Autrey. -- Rev. -- Raleigh, NC : North Carolina Dept. of Human Resources, Division of Aging, 1990.
Caring for the person with Alzheimer's or other dementias / contributor, Paula Siciliano. -- Albuquerque, NM : Hartman Pub.,
Confronting Alzheimer's disease / edited by Anne C. Kalicki. -- Owings Mills, MD : National Health Pub., c1987.
Dementia care : patient, family, and community / edited by Nancy L. Mace. -- Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press,
Early-stage Alzheimer's care : a guide for community-based programs / Diane Weddington. - New York : Springer, c1994.
Enhancing the abilities of persons with Alzheimer's and related dementias: a nursing perspective / Pam Dawson, Donna L. Wells, Karen Kline. -- New York : Springer, c1993.
Interventions for Alzheimer's disease : a caregiver's complete reference / Ruth M. Tappen. - Baltimore : Health Professions Press, c1997.
Key elements of dementia care / Alzheimer�s Association ; [authors, Margaret P. Calkins ... et al.]. -- Chicago : The Association, Patient and Family Services, 1997.
Late-stage dementia care : a basic guide / edited by Christine R. Kovach. -- Washington, DC : Taylor & Francis, c1997.
Looking beyond the illness : understanding and treating Alzheimer's disease & related disorders / by David M. Weinberger ; foreword by Joseph N. DiGiacomo. -- Kingston, Pa. : Brillig House,
Management and care of the elderly : psychosocial perspectives / Mary S. Harper, editor. -- Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage Publications, c1991.
Therapeutic caregiving : a practical guide for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's and other dementia causing diseases / Barbara J. Bridges. -- Mill Creek, Wash. : BJB Pub., c1995.
Understanding and caring for the person with Alzheimer's disease : a practical guide / prepared by the Atlanta Area Chapter, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association. -- Atlanta, Ga. : The Chapter, [198-] [Pamphlet box]
When memory fails : helping the Alzheimer's and dementia patient / Allen Jack Edwards. -- New York : Plenum Press, c1994.
Wise ideas.-- Melbourne, FL : Better Directions,
c1995- [Shelved with newsletters] In the Northern Virginia Chapter Service Area, for more information about this Library topic, please contact the Chapter at 703-359-4440 or 800-207-8679. Outside Northern Virginia, please contact your local Chapter. Your local Chapter may not have these particular books, but can help you locate books on this topic.
Last updated: April 14, 1999
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