Dementia Needs Assessment Acknowledgements
The Alzheimer's Association gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Arlington Health Foundation, an independent philanthropic organization. Its mission is to establish, promote, and support programs to improve the health and well being of the people of Arlington and surrounding Northern Virginia communities.
This document would not have been possible without the involvement and commitment of the following parties:
Pathways to Care
Karen Love, President
Mary A. Corcoran, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA
Advisory Committee
M.C. "Beck" Becker, Caregiver, Alexandria
Carolyn Carter, Fairfax Area Agency on Aging, Fairfax
John Cochran, M.D., VNC Neuroscience Center, Ltd., Alexandria
Grace Lynch, Alexandria Agency on Aging, Alexandria
Terri Lynch, Arlington Agency on Aging, Arlington
Georgia Miller, Mt. Vernon Adult Day Health Center, Alexandria
Lin Noyes, Family Respite Center, Falls Church
Paul Schratweiser, Caregiver, Fairfax
Stephanie Zeman, Nurse/Consultant, Fairfax
Alzheimer's Association Chapter Staff
Anthony Sudler, Executive Director
Jane Priest, LPN, Patient and Family Services Director
Betty Ransom, Education Director
Karin Udler, Social Worker
Project Volunteerss
Jim Taylor
Dr. Pat Thomas
Special thanks to the participants of the needs assessment project who shared their knowledge, experience and needs.
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Last updated: April 23, 1999
Please return to https://www.alz-nova.org or call 800-207-8679 or (703) 359-4440 for more information about services in Northern Virginia.
© 1997 - 2000 Alzheimer's Association, Northern Virginia Chapter. All rights reserved.