The Virginia General Assembly is meeting in long session from mid-January through mid-March, 2000 and is considering several thousand pieces of legislation and budget amendments. Enactment or defeat for hundreds of these bills, resolutions and budget amendments could dramatically alter Virginia's aging and health policies. The Alzheimer's Association provides information here on many of these legislative initiatives.
The following information is provided about selected budget amendments:
- document number and current status from introduction to the Governor's veto or signature
- hyper-link to the full-text of the budget amendment
- summary description
Updates were available weekly throughout the 2000 General Assembly Session which ended on March 10.
House Conferees |
Senate Conferees |
Vince Callahan
Earl Dickinson
Lacey Putney
Jim Dillard |
John Chichester
Chuck Colgan
William Wampler
Walter Stosch |
Gilmore Approved the Conference Report Items Listed Below Which the Alzheimer's Association Supported
Year 1
Change |
Year 2
Change |
Item 47 #2c Expand TRIAD Statewide
(This amendment provides $100,000 the first year from the general fund and two positions
to expand the TRIAD crime prevention program involving the Office of the Attorney General,
state and local law enforcement agencies, and senior citizen groups.) |
$100,000 |
222 #18c
VCU Center on Aging
(This amendment provides additional funding for the Virginia Center on Aging to support
the Alzheimer's and Related Diseases Research Award Fund, which provides seed grant
funding to encourage research in this area.) |
$60,000 |
$60,000 |
295 #1c
JCHC - Transportation Services for the Elderly
(This amendment adds funds to improve services in each of Virginia's 25 local area
agencies on aging.) |
$100,000 |
$200,000 |
295 #2c
Care Coordination for Elderly
(This amendment provides additional funding to the Department for the Aging to initiate
new care coordination (case management) programs offered by area agencies on aging and to
expand existing programs to provide statewide service.) |
$100,000 |
$200,000 |
295 #3c
Guardianship for Elderly
(This amendment adds funds for the activities of the public guardianship advisory board
and for an evaluation of guardianship programs for elderly persons. The amendment also
clarifies that $500,000 per year is included in the budget for the local guardianship
programs and that $100,000 per year is included for the Department of Aging to administer
and oversee the programs.) |
$23,500 |
$5,000 |
295 #4c
In-Home Care for Elderly
(This amendment provides additional funding for in-home care of elderly persons, provided
through area agencies on aging.) |
$375,000 |
$375,000 |
Joint Commission on Health Care.)$0 | $250,000 |
295 #5c
Respite Care Incentive Grants
(This amendment provides funding for respite care incentive grants, pursuant to Senate
Bill 518 / House Bill 1200. The grants will provide seed money to local communities for
the development or expansion of adult day care services or other services that provide
respite care to families.) |
$250,000 |
$500,000 |
Joint Commission on Health Care.)$1,500,000 | $1,500,000 |
Joint Commission on Health Care. This amendment provides funds for a program designed to increase public knowledge of end-of-life care issues, and to increase public awareness and utilization of advance care planning and advance directives.)$218,688 | $226,874 |
Joint Commission on Health Care. This amendment provides additional funding to the Department for the Aging for the establishment of an elder rights center and an elder rights hotline. The introduced budget provides $200,000 in non-general funds for this purpose. The additional funding is requested to enhance the level of services to be provided.)$82,556 | $136,796 |
Joint Commission on Health Care. This amendment provides funds for the establishment of three regional Medicare Managed Care Ombudsmen programs to serve those areas of the state with the highest percentage of Medicare managed care enrollees.)$200,000 | $200,000 |
Joint Commission on Health Care. This amendment provides funds to the Department for the Aging to contract with the Virginia Center on Aging of Virginia Commonwealth University for the administration of a statewide survey of older Virginians. The most recent statewide survey of older Virginians was conducted in 1979-1980. Current sources of information on older Virginians are neither comprehensive nor readily accessible.)$240,000 | $0 |
296 #1c
Home-Delivered Meals for Elderly
(This amendment adds funds for home-delivered meals for elderly persons, provided through
area agencies on aging.) |
$325,000 |
$350,000 |
Joint Commission on Health Care, and is in support of a joint resolution introduced in both the Senate and House establishing the Virginia Long Term Care Foundation.)$500,000 | $1,000,000 |
319 #1c
Medicaid Personal Care Rate Increase
(This amendment provides additional funding for Medicaid reimbursement of personal care
services to elderly and disabled persons. The introduced budget increased the
reimbursement rate from $12.50 to $13.00 per hour in Northern Virginia and from $10.50 to
$11.00 per hour in the rest of the state. This amendment would increase the rate in
Northern Virginia to $13.25 per hour and in the rest of the state to $11.25 per hour.) |
$2,282,631 |
$2,284,528 |
319 #21c
Expand Medicaid Eligibility for Low-Income Elderly & Disabled
(This amendment provides funding to extend Medicaid eligibility to elderly and disabled
individuals to 80 percent of the federal poverty income guideline. Currently, the monthly
income limit for these individuals is equal to about 74 percent of the poverty level.) |
$0 |
$10,800,000 |
319 #25c
Auxiliary Grant Impact - Assisted Living
(This amendment funds the fiscal impact on Medicaid intensive assisted living payments,
when the auxiliary grant rate in adult care residences is increased from $785 to $815 per
month in a companion amendment in Item 384. When the auxiliary grant rate is increased,
additional income-eligible persons also qualify for Medicaid.) |
$1,720,269 |
$2,605,516 |
319 #26c
Nursing Home - Direct Care Reimbursement
(This amendment provides additional funds to increase Medicaid reimbursement for direct
care services in nursing facilities. This amendment, plus a $16.6 million increase each
year proposed in the introduced budget, and $21.7 million each year carried forward in the
base budget as a result of increases provided by the 1999 General Assembly, total $49.7
million in added Medicaid payments to nursing homes each year.) |
$11,413,157 |
$11,422,638 |
321 #2c
Impact of Auxiliary Grant Increase
(This amendment funds the estimated fiscal impact on assisted living payments, when the
auxiliary grant rate in adult care residences is increased from $785 to $815 per month in
a companion amendment in Item 384.) |
$60,075 |
$90,000 |
352 #1c
No Closure of Piedmont without General Assembly Approval
(Piedmont Geriatric Hospital shall not be closed. Any plan to reduce appropriations or the
capacity for Piedmont Geriatric Hospital shall be submitted to the General Assembly for
approval.) |
$0 |
$0 |
380 #4c
Family Caregivers Grant Program
(This amendment authorizes the Department of Social Services to make expenditures for the
Family Caregivers Grant Program, enacted by the 1999 Session of the General Assembly, but
not funded in the introduced House Bill 29. A companion amendment is included in Item
548.) |
$0 |
$0 |
384 #2c
Adult Home Rate Increase
(This amendment provides funds to increase auxiliary grant payments in adult care
residences from $785 per month to $815 per month, effective November 1, 2000.) |
$1,968,000 |
$2,952,000 |
387 #2c
Adult Protective Services
(This amendment provides additional funds to support the adult protective services program
through local departments of social services.) |
$225,000 |
$225,000 |
387 #6c
Chore/Companion Services for Elderly
(This amendment adds funds for chore and companion services for elderly persons, provided
through local departments of social services.) |
$300,000 |
$300,000 |
388 #1c
JCHC - Training for Adult Care Residence Operators
(The Department of Social Services shall implement training for new adult care residence
owners and managers to focus on health and safety issues, and resident rights as they
pertain to adult care residences.) |
$0 |
$0 |
388 #2c
Dementia Training-Staff & Inspectors
(This amendment adds funds for interactive dementia-specific training of long-term care
facility staff and state inspectors. Funds would be provided for a contract with the
Alzheimer's Association Northern Virginia Chapter to provide 12 hours of training,
including responsibility to coordinate and promote the program, train the instructors,
provide sliding-scale scholarships to trainees, and contract for professional independent
evaluation of the program's substantive effect on the quality of long-term care.) |
$90,000 |
$90,000 |
388 #3c
ACR Licensing Protocols
(This amendment requires the Department of Social Services (DSS) to develop protocols for
its licensing staff to seek input from ACR residents and their families. While DSS staff
informally interview family members who may be visiting a resident, there are no written
protocols or requirement that DSS staff do so.) |
$0 |
$0 |
461 #3c
Safe Return Program
(This amendment provides ($75,000 in the first year and $75,000 in the second year of
the Governor's introduced budget) for the statewide coordination of the Safe Return
Program by the Alzheimer's Association Northern Virginia Chapter and provides an
additional $50,000 each year from the general fund for training public safety personnel in
dealing with people who have Alzheimer's and related disorders.) |
$50,000 |
$50,000 |
548 #1c
Family Caregivers Grant Program
(This amendment authorizes the Governor to provide for administrative costs and grant payments for calendar year 1999 applications for the Family Caregivers Grant Program. That program was authorized in the 1999 Session of the General Assembly, but it was not funded in the introduced House Bill/Senate Bill 29. A companion amendment is included in Item 380.) |
$0 |
$0 |
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Last updated: April 17, 2000
Please return to https://www.alz-nova.org or call toll-free (866) 259-0042 or (703) 359-4440 for more information about services in Northern Virginia.
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