Alzheimer's Information Forums for Families, Friends and Others who care for persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
Alzheimer's Information Forums are free of charge and open to the public. Free parking is available at each of the eight forum sites. RSVP is requested, but not required.
Call the Chapter to let us know which forum(s) you plan to attend, or for more information and specific directions to the forum sites. Phone: 703/359-4440.
Easier Living: Adapting the Home Environment for the Person with Dementia
Tuesday, September 29
1:30-3:00 pm
Centex Life Solutions Education Center
6302 Seven Corners Shopping Center
Falls Church, Virginia
The use of adaptive strategies (devices and techniques) in the home is essential to promoting optimal functioning of the person with dementia. Routines, activities and equipment that benefit both the caregiver and the diagnosed individual will be discussed and demonstrated. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore the Life Solutions showroom at the conclusion of the session.
Mary Corcoran, PhD, OTR
The George Washington University
Washington, DC
Breaking Through the Emotional Paralysis: Legal and Financial Planning for Persons with Alzheimer's and Their Families
Sunday, October 18
2:00-5:00 pm
Conference Center
Fairfax County Government Center
12000 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, Virginia
The following sessions will be repeated three times (45 min. each) to allow attendees to attend all three.
Session 1 - Options for Financing Long Term Care
For whom is long term care insurance appropriate? This question and other financial management strategies, such as staggering annuities, Medicaid and self insuring, will be explored.
Tom West
Registered Representative
John Hancock Insurance Company
McLean, Virginia
Bonnie Westfall
Senior Health Specialist
Kelly Insurance Agency
Leesburg, Virginia
Session 2 - Have You Thought of Everything? Avoiding Legal Pitfalls
This forum is co-sponsored by Sunrise Assisted Living
Learn how to prepare in advance for legal complications that arise do to loss of legal competency and when to take specific actions. Case studies will be presented as examples of typical situations encountered by families living with dementia.
Susan K. Pollack
Attorney at Law
Falls Church, Virginia
Mark Christopher, Esquire
Herge, Sparks and Christopher
McLean, Virginia
Session 3 - Diagnosis Alzheimer's: You Do Not Have to Manage Alone!
Explore how bank trust departments can be resources for financial planning and hear from a geriatric care manager about personal financial management and the costs of different types of long term care facilities and in-home care.
Dianne Y. Mehlinger
Trust Officer
First Virginia Bank
Trust Department
Falls Church, Virginia
Joan Richardson,RN,MSN
Advanced Care Management
Reston, Virginia
Caring, Coping and Understanding |
Thursday, October 22
7:00-8:30 pm
3700 Joseph Siewick Drive
(office building next to Fair Oaks Hospital)
Overview of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, including diagnosis and assessment, common behaviors and effective treatments. Especially for individuals and family members who have recently received a dementia diagnosis.
Rim Mghir, M.D.
Geriatric Psychiatrist
Psychiatric Associates of Greater Washington
Falls Church, Virginia
Myths and Realities of Medicaid |
Wednesday, October 28
7:00-8:30 pm
Sterling Public Library
120 Enterprise Street
Sterling, Virginia
Tuesday, November 3
7:00-8:30 pm
Mason District Government Center
6507 Columbia Pike
Annandale, Virginia
Medicaid is a federal/state program that pays for medical care for persons who meet income and resource limits. It is the largest source of funding for persons who receive care in nursing facilities; it also can cover personal
care, adult day services and respite care.
It is important that families who need long-term care coverage under Medicaid understand the reality behind the popular myths about Medicaid. This forum will look at some of the myths, outline eligibility requirements, explore transfer of asset issues, and address the application process.
Gene Coffey
Elderlaw Attorney
Legal Services of Northern Virginia
All in the Family: Difficult Relationships and Dementia Care |
Thursday, November 12
7:00-8:30 pm
Church of the Good
Shepherd United Methodist Church
2351 Hunter Mill Road
Vienna, Virginia
Under the best circumstances, it is challenging to provide and coordinate care for family members diagnosed with Alzheimer's or related dementias. When family relationships are strained, caregiving difficulties are compounded. What happens when family members disagree on how to provide care or don't share equally in caregiving responsibilities? This forum will look at "real life" situations and explore what can be done to help family relationships.
Judy Ratliff, L.C.S.W.
Reston, Virginia
Ask me�about Alzheimer's Caregiving Issues |
Thursday, November 19
7:00-8:30 pm
The Washington House
Sky Room (10th floor)
5100 Fillmore Ave.
Alexandria, Virginia
An informal question and answer meeting with a panel of family members who have previously or are currently caring for persons with dementia.
Jane Kallio, MSW
Goodwin House
Alexandria, Virginia
M.C. Becker
Eileen Frates
Nellie Quander
MaryAnne Schaefer
Making the Transition to Residential Care: What you Need to Know |
Wednesday, December 2
7:00-8:30 pm
St. John's Methodist Church
5312 Backlick Road
Springfield, Virginia
One of the toughest decisions families face is to move a loved one with dementia from home to a nursing home or assisted living facility. How to know when being at home no longer benefits the person with dementia, things to consider when choosing a residential facility, and how to judge the quality of care are among issues to be addressed in this forum.
Mariette Klein, MSW
Betty Ransom, Director of Education
Alzheimer's Association
Northern Virginia Chapter
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Last updated: September 24, 1998
Please return to https://www.alz-nova.org or call 800-207-8679 or 703-359-4440 for more information about services in Northern Virginia.
© 1997, 1998 & 1999 Alzheimer's Association, Northern Virginia Chapter. All rights reserved.